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Election Judges



In Colorado, our elections are 100% a community effort! Teams of bi-partisan election judges from your community come together for every election to assist voters with new registrations, update registrations, issue ballots, pick up ballots at drop boxes, confirm signatures on all mail ballots, and tally the election results.Serving as an election judge is a great way to serve your Estes Valley community.

Upcoming opportunities to serve as an election judge in Larimer County are:

      * 2024 Presidential Primary – Tuesday, March 5, 2024
      * 2024 State/County Primary – Tuesday, June 25, 2024
      * 2024 General Election – Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The only Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPC) in Estes Park is in need of more election judges!  Our VSPC is located at the Community Center, and is the only location where registered voters can vote in person in the Estes Valley.  The team of judges in a specific location needs to have different politicalaffiliations, including unaffiliatedJudges are able to give one's preference to serve in Estes Park, and election judges are paid by the hour for training and serving. It's never too early to complete an application and have your name added to our judge lists! Application is done through the Larimer County Clerk's Office. 
For more details or to complete an application, go to Larimer County Election Judge Link  

Where We Stand

Nonpartisan Outreach and Advocacy
Our League proudly serves the community as a nonpartisan education and advocacy organization, neither supporting nor opposing individual candidates or political parties at any level of government.

We advocate League policies on issues of vital concern to our members and the Estes Valley.  We also support the Colorado and U.S. LWV policy positions.

Key Principles
Every eligible citizen should have access to the vote and to the information needed to exercise that right in an informed manner. 

Government should operate transparently.

The environment should be protected for future generations. 

Women should be able to make decisions about their reproductive health.

Healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Estes Park League
Policy Positions

Education and Youth Development


The LWV of Estes Park believes that a strong, well-financed K-12 public education system is critical for the social, economic and democratic well-being of our community and nation, and therefore, we are committed to excellence and equity in education for all children in the Park R-3 School District. Therefore the LWV of Estes Park will:
  1. Support the efforts of the local School Board, the Superintendent, principals, teachers and staff to achieve proficiency or above for all children in math, reading, and writing and the positive growth and development of each child.
  2. Support access to broad curriculum offerings and experience that include the arts, music, physical education, social studies and the sciences.
  3. Support the use of appropriate assessments to improve instruction and increase proficiency of students. Tests should not be the sole determinant of a student’s progress.
  4. Support compensating teachers, administrators and support staff so that they may live in the community and be adequately rewarded for the important responsibilities we ask of them.
  5. Support efforts in increase parental and community involvement in the schools and to provide a positive, respectful, trusting and supportive learning environment where all children can achieve an excellent education and learn to think independently.
  6. Support continued efforts to provide high-quality education services to second language and special needs students and to increase their participation in all aspects of schooling.
  7. Support graduation requirements that ensure that students are adequately prepared for postsecondary education, careers and citizenship.
  8. Support the development of annual budgets that present information about revenues and expenditures in a format that is clear, understandable, reflects instructional goals and is aligned with the school accountability report.
  9. Support full funding by state and federal governments for any mandated programs and services.
  10. Support raising additional revenue locally should federal, state, and existing local funding fall short of the amount needed to maintain the financial health of the system and high-quality education.
  11. Support efforts that attract and retain families with school age children.
Adopted May 21, 2003; amended February 24, 2016


Community Development and the Economy

Sustainable Community

Proposed New: Support actions that are consistent with the following definition of a Sustainable Community: a community that balances social, economic and environmental values without compromising the ability of future generations to meet the same goal and includes the following:
  1. Recognition of a healthy tourist industry and the permanent resident population as equally important components of Estes Park’s life and economy. Support the development of quality services that balance the needs of permanent residents with those of the tourist industry.
  2. Support of tourism that emphasizes the natural assets of the area.
  3. Preservation of the mountain environment, including the indigenous flora and fauna, and recognition that environmental protection and economic development can be complementary.
  4. Recognition of the relationship of Estes Park to Rocky Mountain National Park, and endorsement of Estes Park’s efforts to be a model national park partner and neighbor.
  5. Honoring the diversity of the citizenry and supporting community leadership that is representative and inclusive of diverse interests.
  6. Recognition of the importance of communication among various constituencies within the community.
  7. Support of basic public services affecting the quality of life: attainable housing, good education, health care, environmentally responsible waste removal systems and adequate transportation for all of its citizens.
  8. Fostering the development of cultural arts.
  9. Supporting the values, traditions and history of the community.
  10. Encourage the use of alternative solutions in energy, waste removal systems and packaging in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and redirect waste from the landfill.
Adopted May 24, 2000; rewritten/adopted Jan 10, 2007; rewritten 2010; amended February 24, 2016

Environment and Natural Resources

Policy Statement on Sustainability for Estes Valley

LWV-EP supports actions that are consistent with the three main pillars of sustainability: economic, ecological, and social, while striving to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

1. We recognize that visitors and residents are equally important to Estes Valley’s life and economy.
2. We support eco-tourism that values and preserves the natural and historic assets of our area and recognizes preservation of the mountain wilderness environment as acornerstone for sustainable tourism and development in the Estes Valley.
3. We endorse Estes Park’s efforts to be an exemplary partner and neighbor for Rocky Mountain National Park.
4. We promote collaborative relationships with local, county, and state-wide groups to maintain and expand our sustainability efforts within our community.
5. We honor the diversity of residents and visitors to the Estes Valley. We support community leadership that is representative and inclusive of diverse interests, values, traditions, histories, and cultural expressions.
6. We support provision of responsible public services, utilities, housing, education, healthcare, childcare, and transportation. We support efforts to alleviate poverty in the Estes Valley.
7. We encourage reduced dependence on fossil fuels through energy efficiency, electrification, and renewable sources.
8. We encourage waste reduction (especially plastics) through reduced consumption, reduced and environmentally friendly packaging, reusable alternatives to single-use items, and a circular economy that redirects waste from landfills towards reuse, recycling, composting, and other alternative solutions.
9. We recognize that environmental protection and economic development can be complementary. A sustainable community requires a balance of ecological, economic, and social goals.

Adopted May 24, 2000; rewritten/adopted Jan 10, 2007; rewritten 2010; amended February 24, 2016; rewritten May 15, 2024

Land Use

Support the enforcement of the Estes Valley Development Code. Encourage establishing open space priorities and support the protection and purchase of open space and conservation easements. Support educating the community on current land use polices and any proposed changes. Support more community involvement in any updates to Estes Valley Comprehensive Plan to encourage development in harmony with the character of our mountain setting. Adopted May 24, 2000; amended February 24, 2016

Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP)

Support strategies consistent with protecting the natural and scenic values of RMNP and the surrounding area. This includes policies to reduce congestion on Park roads and encourage alternative transportation modes and linkages with areas outside the Park. We continue to support the Fee Demonstration Program. We support policies that diminish human-caused interference with nature and natural sounds, including air traffic noise from commercial or private sources, in Rocky Mountain National Park and in other National Parks & Monuments.

Adopted May 11, 1993, amended May 17, 1995; and May 15, 1996; and reaffirmed May 14, 1997; May 13, 1998; and April 28, 1999; rewritten/adopted May 24, 2000; rewritten April 9, 2003, rewritten/adopted Jan 10, 2007; rewritten 2010; amended February 24, 2016; amended May 18, 2016

Water Protection

Support efforts to inform and educate our residents and visitors on appropriate water use. We have a responsibility to conserve the quantity and protect the quality of water for our residents, visitors, and downstream users.

Rewritten/adopted Jan 10, 2007; rewritten 2010; amended February 24, 2016


Support improving the recycling /reusing opportunities for residents and businesses in the Estes Valley. The opportunities shall include a safe and clean local recycling area.

Adopted 2010; amended February 24, 2016

Elections and Voting Rights

Voting Rights in the Estes Valley

Communicate the findings of the voting rights study conducted in 2015 on our website, in local newspapers , etc. to better educate the public on voting rights within the Estes Valley

Support a more pragmatic and less formal approach toward incorporating input from “valley residents” into Town decisions is to increase representation of residents of the unincorporated Estes Valley on Town advisory boards. This is, in fact, already being done, but could be quantified or formalized.

Consider a study of Home Rule vs. Statutory Rule or alternative annexation to include impacts on voting rights within the Estes Valley

Adopted Feb 24, 2016


Colorado League

U.S. League

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