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HomeEstes Recycles

Estes Recycles

We recycle because we love
the Estes Valley and the Earth

Where to Recycle in the Estes Valley

We’re driving toward zero waste in the Estes Valley. Recycling is an important step in that journey.
Recycling is unique in this mountain town. Here are the current recycling options. 
Drop-Off Sites Curbside Services
Planet Partners Difficult to Recycle Beyond Estes

Also see Larimer County recycle graphic showing what is or isn't recyclable.

Check out Estes Recycles Facebook page for current recycling information and tips.

Estes Recycles Email  Estes Recycles Facebook

High-Impact Projects

Bin Labels

Collaboration with Local Organizations


Estes Recycles worked with the town of Estes Park to install labels on the local recycle/trash bins.  

The League of Women Votes of Estes Park had a 'Behind the Scenes' Zoom Coffee on the 
"Future of Water Reclamation in the Estes Valley".  To listen to the recording Click Here


How to Recycle Right

Before you recycle--reduce and reuse! That way you minimize what needs recycling and what goes in the landfill.

Here are some tips to help you become a better recycler. Check back because we will periodically add new tips.

Reduce food waste
Reduce junk mail
The Six R’s of Sustainability

Avoid kitchen plastics
Zero-Waste Mindset

Recycling Tips
You CAN Recycle Plastic Bags
Recycle Paint Products

About Estes Recycles
Learn about the dedicated volunteers (the Community Recycling Committee- CRC) who are collaborating across the community to improve environmental practices in the Estes Valley.

Join us!

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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events


ERD 2023


    Estes Recycles Day 

The next Estes Recycles Day will be held on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at the Events Complex on Manford Avenue. We will accept electronics, paper documents for shredding, scrap metal, and other difficult to recycle items.

Estes Recycles Day


Learn How You Can Make a Difference